Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jailbreak 5.0.1 Untethered for iPhone, iPod or iPad Released (How To)

We have all waited for this day to come for a few months now. The wait ends here as you can finally jailbreak any iOS device running 5.0.1. Regrettably, this is not compatible with A5 Processor Based devices such as the iPhone 4s, or iPad 2. In order to proceed, check this out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jailbreak 5.0.1 Semi-Tether The Easy Way with Ac1dSn0w

During the weekend, I received an iPhone 4 so that I could run some tests and upgrade from 4.3 to 5.0.1. The phone itself seemed to be sluggish while on 4.3, I did notice that iOS 5.0 improved graphics experience and motion sense when I upgraded my 3Gs from 4.2.1 to 5.0 a few months ago. The jailbreak process is so simple, that I was able to jailbreak while I was waiting for a IPSW file to be downloaded.

Friday, December 16, 2011

iOS 5.0.1 Build 9A406. Fix Battery and SIM Card Issues

Apple released a newest build into its latest iOS 5.0.1. The firmware supposedly fixes battery issues in iPhone 4s, and also a known issue with Micro SIM cards, where the phone would return an error with either "No SIM", "Searching Network" or "Invalid SIM".

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Upcoming Changes Expected in iDevel0p!

This is a message to all of our visitors and followers. iDevel0p will experience a few changes during the next months, that includes a whole new website and logo redesign, new administration, and a whole new events coverage that you can expect. Our site is fresh and needs to improve so that it is eventually recognized globally speaking. We are looking for more editors who would like to be part of this community. Feel free to e-mail us to iDevel0p.Blog@gmail.com if you would like to participate.

Get Facebook Timeline Now!

Facebook has released a project back since August/September where the newest profile design is to innovate the most-used social network. They call their project "Timeline". At that moment, you could take advantages of Timeline by signing up as a Facebook Developer. However, Timeline will be live by December 22nd, here's how to get it now!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Untethered Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1?

It has come to my attention that there are many pages talking about a potential release of an upcoming jailbreak in iOS 5.0.1. The best way to determine whether to upgrade or not upgrade at this point are the following:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to Decode Your Apple's Serial Number?

If you are interested in knowing what's behind your Apple product serial number, when was this assembled, and which country it was assembled on, you can use this URL to find out: http://www.chipmunk.nl/klantenservice/applemodel.html. The site provides a full description of the details within the serial number, it's pretty practical when dealing with technical stuff.

iOS Downgrade Procedures and Information (A Must Read!)

We are currently living in the iOS 5 era, and there's a lot of iPhone, iPod and iPad users upgrading to iOS 5 accidentally or sometimes on purpose just to test their devices with the so-called successful and improved operating system. If you however feel like downgrading at a certain point from any iOS version, you must read the following.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

iPhone 4s Otterbox Commuter Series Case Extended Review!

This is the first review I make in regarding accessories for iPhone. I'm not a big fan of cases or accessories, as I believe the more portability the better. I'm a huge fan of Incase® products. This time I decided to go for the Otterbox Commuter Series to determine how good it is (as we heard over the web). Here's what's all about.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why Is Not Reliable to Buy an iPhone 4 from the US if You Are in Another Country?

It may have come to your attention that iPhone 4's (Not iPhone 4s, regular iPhone 4) prices has dropped ever since the upcoming and after the release of the newest iPhone 4s. As usual, these iPhones are based in a $600 US Dlls basis. Same as with iPhone 3G and iPhone 3Gs, their cost dropped to in between $300 and $400 US Dlls after their successor. Different from iPhone 3G and 3Gs, the iPhone 4 has strict restrictions about unlocking. If you are planning on buying an iPhone 4 from the US so that you can use it outside the US, you MUST read this article.

iPhone 4s Review (At Last!)

Hi everyone. I finally get to share my thoughts about my recent acquisition. I haven't had the chance to post about it, I've been busy with other stuff. In part I'm glad, because now I get to see all iPhone glitches. I've had it for almost 15 days now, and I'm bringing you the real stuff behind the iPhone 4s (the most amazing iPhone yet?).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

iOS 5.0.1 is here!

That's right! Sooner than expected and with some nice improvements, (battery life, being the best one) Apple has decided to make this an official release. You can get this update for free through iTunes.

Some other notable features are bug fixes on iCloud, Multitasking gestures on the iPad, improvements on voice recognition and, did we mention extended battery life?

Public release number: 9A405.

This is available for the iPhone 4GS, 4 and 4S as well as the last 2 generations of iPod touch, of course.

We'll be adding more information on the performance and other features later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Restore Your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch if Stuck in a Loop?

Many of you may have experienced issues where your device gets stuck in an infinite loop. If you are in this situation where you can't take your device out of booting into the Apple logo over, and over again, you may want to take a look into this guide.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Important Information About iOS 5.0 Jailbreak and Activation Issues

I have received a few inquiries about iPhones not being activated, stuck either in the Welcome Setup, or searching for a network without detecting a carrier. I have isolated the problem to different facts and situations very specific. If you happen to have issues with this, check this post.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Redsn0w 0.9.9b7 Released for Mac and Windows! Locations Services Fixed

Better later than never. As most of you probably know, Redsn0w 0.9.9b7 has been released, bringing support to jailbreak iOS 5 Final Release in both Windows and Mac.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to Unlock and Jailbreak iOS 5.0 in iPhone 4, 3Gs, iPad and iPod Touch (Tethered)

Apple finally released the latest iOS 5.0 version just a few days before the official shipping date of the iPhone 4s. Being on its way, there were previous releases of iOS 5 beta jailbreak. Here's the proved guide of how to Jailbreak and unlock your device in the final release software.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

And so the world lost an inspirational figure and friend: Steve Jobs

October 5th, 2011 is truly a date to remember. While sitting at class, and looking at Twitter notifications about the happened event, astonishment filled the room and everything felt cold at that right moment. Steve was a visionary man, an inventor, an engineer, a successful leader, and a friend for everyone.

He along with other Apple employees, provided products that changed life in the past 10 years. But the innovation behind those products was given by one man: Steve. We remember him as a successful man.

During the release of iPhone 4s, everyone noticed Apple's events favorite icon. He during the last event in March surprised everyone, specially after he announced himself in a delicate health condition. He looked fine though, except all the event he seemed happy to be there, while in a hurry to finish.

Apple computers are not only good piece of hardware or software, they have provided something different to people. An editor from Gizmodo says "Bill Gates may have put a computer in every office desk, but it was Steve Jobs who put one in every dorm room, and bedroom and living room".

That's true. 10 years ago I wouldn't afford getting a Mac computer. They were good, but there were too many things required, special software, additional pieces of hardware, and back then, no floppy. I remember myself walking outside of Best Buy in Westminster, CA. I said something like, "who would buy an Apple computer without a memory stick slot?". That portable died about 13 months from that moment.

I own a black Macbook. I've had it for 4 years now, and it's amazing. It's thinner than any other PC's in the market. It works pretty good and I never get bored of the same thing. That's because everything in a Mac is just as simple as good, and that gives fun to what you do.

The first Apple product I got, was a 30 GB White iPod (Video) 1st Generation. I couldn't stand to the idea that the product was so perfectly designed and how it used to work. I fell in love with it.

Years later, I decided to migrate from Windows to Mac. I've been impressed of recent Windows updates to its operating system, specially when Windows 7 got released. But there was nothing compared to Mac OS.

Steve had the idea of people loving their products based on one thing: They work. People before iPod, they were far away from Apple products. People after iPod, and before Mac, they were far away ignorant from PC's. People before iPad, were far away from technology.

One fact that no one can say the opposite, the first iPhone was years ahead of its competitors. It started as an expensive product. People back then who used to purchase a cellphone over that expensive, were only those executives who required internet and Windows access everywhere.

After the iPhone, all smart phones transformed into something new. Something attempting to imitate iPhone's unique design. Touch screen was far behind before the first iPhone. No one up to date has achieved a similar technology to the patented Multi-Touch Apple developed since the first iPhone.

The person who motivated me to do what I am now, was Steve Jobs. During an interview back in 2005 with him and Bill Gates, he said the most important thing that changed the way I pictured my life back then. He said something similar to "We have achieved who we are, because we have grown doing what we love. If you're doing wrong, you're still doing what you love, that's the key of our success". Both Bill and Steve agreed to that statement.

Steve was a mentor, for all the world. I read online that he was the last american knowing what he was doing...

We all will miss Steve, not because of his fame, but of the spirit he shared. I wish I could say it was not his' time, but that's not for us to decide.

Farewell Steve... We'll meet again.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Facebook Timeline Review!

I have been given the opportunity to test the new feature that everyone will talk about in a few days, also known as Facebook Timeline. An amazing new way to look at your profile from the first day you were born, to the day you're reading this. If you would like to learn more about it, check this post out!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Downloaded Apps From Installous Are Not Transferred to iTunes, and/or Deleted From Device

As usual, another problem, another fix. There are a few tricks around to transfer content downloaded from Installous so that it can be recognized by iTunes as purchased content. Check this post if you are or have experienced issues backing up your applications downloaded from Installous.

Call Fails When Dialing Out on iPhone 2G, iOS 3.x.x. Calls Are Received

A few days I received an iPhone 2G with a telephone problem. The phone itself worked fine, there was no signal or evidence of issues with it. I was able to receive calls to that phone, but I wasn't able to dial out. I tried replacing the SIM card, restoring the iOS, and thought it was a problem about proper unlocking. Well, check this out.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Apologies from Site's Administration. Editors Wanted!

I would like to apologize for the lack of information iDevel0p has been through recently, if not that at all time. The project initially started as an informative blog which should be updated at least twice a day. However, I've been busy with school projects and other stuff, that I haven't even tested stuff out to post it here.

Please be aware I'm looking forward on getting a little extra support, from other editors interested on blogging this site. What advantage could they get different from getting their own blog? They'll be part of a community which will at certain point be shared equally as a partnership project.

Of course there's no pay on this, but if you're up to a little fame and interested on sharing thoughts, you're more than welcome to message me via Twitter @ViNnyb0ii and we'll go through the process if you are selected.

Apologies again for not taking care of this blog...


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Missing HDD Space on Mac After Deleting Partitions?

During the past week, I've been wondering how people can really find a potential solution to a problem with such poor information on the web, even in the Mac support site. Well, if you ever experienced issues about missing space just after deleting an old partition for whatever reason, you might need to take a look to this.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

iPhone 4s 64GB Prototype for Sale Already?

We have heard rumors about an upcoming iPhone prototype to be released by July or August, and we know everyone will try to do their best in attempting to provide with as much information as possible about it. However, a Mexican Craigslist site has announced a supposed "iPhone 4s 64GB Prototype" by a considerably low price of $17,000.00 Mexican Pesos ($1,456.73 US Approximately).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Speed Your iPhone 10 Times Faster With Speed Intensifier! (Video)

The first thing I noticed about Mac while learning about developing in Objective C (computer language), is that algorithms and coding can be way shorter and benefit performance. Speed Intensifier is an application that reduces the animation rate while opening applications. This certainly improves your iPhone performance, without reducing battery life, or any other process.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

NERV Repo Out of Push Doctor Certs

If you are trying to install Push Doctor, you won't be able to obtain any result, as you may get errors such as "sub-process usr bin dpkg returned an error code (1)". This is apparently caused due to the remaining certificates in the repository site. Hopefully, you don't need it by now, but in the event of an OS Reinstall, please take this in consideration until they post any update.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Cómo Prevenir Bullying, Acoso, y Manejar Tu Privacidad en Facebook

Uno de los conceptos que considero de mayor importancia para una sociedad que busca comunicarse con su entorno social a través de redes sociales como Facebook, es el manejo de cuenta en cuestión a privacidad de la misma. Tristemente, vivimos en un mundo de ignorancia. Misma que a veces, provoca males a nuestra vida sin siquiera darnos cuenta. Si te interesa saber cómo manejar apropiadamente el control de privacidad en tu cuenta de Facebook, lee este artículo.

How To Backup Your Facebook's Account Information

Facebook has implemented features on which I feel very satisfied with. Facebook more than a social network, is a social environment, perhaps the most powerful communication media ever. Now you can back up all your data, from post #1, contacts, photos, etc. This is very helpful if you would like to take a reminder of your Facebook life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cómo Crear Una Cuenta iTunes Sin Necesidad De Verificar Con Tarjeta de Crédito

Algunas personas todavía se contienen de abrir una cuenta de iTunes, debido a que no desean verificar con su tarjeta de crédito. Independientemente de las aplicaciones de cobro, hay aplicaciones muy buenas las cuales no tienen costo alguno. Si deseas abrir una cuenta para poder utilizar el App Store, y no tienes idea de cómo abrirla sin verificar, sigue los pasos descritos abajo.

To All 3Gs Users! Why Would You Get an iPhone 4? Why Not?

Here's a little something about what I think and what I have answered those asking "Why a blog manager isn't getting an iPhone 4?". I have indeed tested iPhone 4's since its release date, but I haven't seen so much of an attraction to spend twice my 3Gs into a cellphone that won't satisfy my needs, more than my current 3Gs.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

iOS 4.3.1. on iPhone 3Gs

I tested during the whole day the functionality of iOS 4.3.1 in my iPhone 3Gs. However, I noticed at certain point that there was a notable lagging when opening applications. It reminded me of my old iPhone 3G running on 4.2.1. I also have a memory manager, which stated that memory was reduced by almost half of what it had before the upgrade. As of right now, I rather have functionality than just a few more features I don't need to be honest. If you had issues with this, I'd recommend downgrading at least until a new and better update is released.

Don't forget to follow our Facebook Page to be up to date with the latest news!

10 Must Have Applications for iPhone

I'm pretty sure everyone has a 10th top. However, I'm ranking this not in functionality, fun, or useful, but on how often do I use them. Meaning these have fit my expectations of keeping my iPhone as a competitive smart phone, whether they're fun, useful, etc. They might just be all of them in each. And the Oscar goes to...

HeyWire No Longer Lets You Connect Unless Running 2.1.288

It got me surprised yesterday morning, while sending bunch of messages and talking to a friend who just got his' iPhone 4. It turned really ironic since I was explaining the benefits of HeyWire on its previous version, while suddenly I got this message:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Site in Upgrade!

Hi everyone! Due to its lack of posting usage, I'm upgrading the site's design and will be adding some additional features within this weekend, hopefully be running up to 100% by Monday! If you're having problems logging in from your Facebook account, or any broken URL, please be patient. It's expected to be functional on 4/10/11 at 17:00.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to Downgrade HeyWire for Local Number Support. No Backup!

There were lot of users disappointed on the recent update that ended up disabling the Local Number Support feature, which was one of the most amazing and useful features in the HeyWire application for iPhone. If for some reason, you upgraded to the 2.1.288 version, have no backup on its previous version, and lost Local Number Support, here's how to downgrade.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HeyWire Unable to Authorize Fix!

After spending hours doing some research through the web, the HeyWire help, and lots of forums, I finally came to a conclusion and a fix, for those getting the message below while attempting to install HeyWire. What is cool about this app, is that you can actually send messages around the world using your contacts list, or any phone number. Check this out.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can't Delete Home Screen Bookmarks/Custom Web Site Icons.. Meet The Fix

I had several bookmarks on my home screen, I found these very useful when needing to access a website I frequently visit. Specially those adapted to mobile devices. However, there was a time when I required these no more, and simply deleted them. However, anytime I sync'd my iPhone, all icons re-appeared. Even when I didn't need them anymore. Restoring isn't sufficient, and here's a fix...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Facebook Email and Messaging Review

We have heard about Facebook's plans to bring up messaging service to an improved level. Well, let's take a comprehensive review of this new "feature" that will be hitting your account soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Potential GPS Fix on iPhone 3Gs Running iPad Baseband and 4.2.1.

I've been researching throughout this issue. One of the coolest features I basically fell in love with my previous iPhone 3G, is the fact that I could use GPS without having a data plan, or a WiFi network available. However, due to the limitations while unlocking a 3Gs using an iPad baseband (6.15.00), the GPS seemed to be affected, and push notifications as well. There might be a solution for this though...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

YouTube Video Lagging Issues on Google Chrome and Old Macbooks

Indeed, it has come to my attention that several people is experiencing issues while playing videos on YouTube while using Google Chrome. From what posts and forums says, it appears to be affecting users that have a previous generation of MacBook, from 2 to 3 years old.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPad 2 Revealed at the Apple's iPad Event

That's right, Apple has just released the completely new iPad 2 which will start shipping on March 11th in the US, and March 25th to the rest of the world. It comes to our attention that the new iPad is indeed as rumored, but with a great improvement in any way. Here's what's new as of today:

Monday, February 14, 2011

How to View Old Facebook Pictures Albums Format

If you have ever wondered, what happens to be on every Facebook's developers mind before launching a site update, I would suggest: change. Human beings have always had a desire to change, to evolve, and move. Well, some of us are just not getting used to changes, specially when those are non-functional. If you really don't like that new black javascript-based platform Facebook uses now to view pictures, and want to view them in the old way, here's how.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Next Generation Handheld Devices

While reading an article at Redmond Pie's today, I figured out that there's more than meets the eye. This concerning mobile devices and next generation smart phones. The technology is to be focused on one thing only: Satisfy People Needs, Ease Our Social Communication & Develop Utilities at Hand. This is what the deal is about...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cómo Instalar Aplicaciones Gratis en tu iPhone, iPod Touch, o iPad

Para todos aquellos que se han tenido problemas entendiendo el proceso de "hackeo" o de Jailbreak para el iPhone, iPod o iPad, he aquí una breve explicación a petición de un lector, de cómo realizar el jailbreak de una manera sencilla y explicada.

Friday, January 14, 2011

George Hotz Interview

Here's a recent update on Geohot's interview, concerning Sony's sue against him for the PS3 jailbreak. Here's what is found on YouTube:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hacker Geohot Sued by Sony

A web source just published that Geohot (a.k.a. George Hotz), and the fail0verflow team have been sued by Sony over the Play Station 3 jailbreak, and making it public.

An excerpt from the lawsuit reads:

Defendants George Hotz, “Bushing,” Hector Cantero, Sven Peter and “Segher”
(collectively, “Defendants”) are computer hackers. Working individually and in concert with one another, Defendants recently bypassed effective technological protection measures (“TPMs”) employed by plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment America LLP (“SCEA”) in its proprietary PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system (“PS3 System”).  Through the Internet, Defendants are distributing software, tools and instructions (collectively, “Circumvention Devices”) that circumvent the TPMs in the PS3 System and facilitate the counterfeiting of video games.  Already, pirated video games are being packaged and distributed with these circumvention devices.  Declaration of Ryan T. Bricker In Support of Ex Parte Motion for Temporary Restraining Order And Order To Show Cause Re Preliminary Injunction; Order for Impoundment (“Bricker Decl.”) ¶2, Exh. A.  Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and Local Rules 65-1 and 7-10, SCEA moves ex parte to put an immediate halt to the ongoing distribution of these illegal Circumvention Devices and avoid
irreparable harm to SCEA and to other video game software developers stemming from video game piracy.

iPhone jailbreaks and unlocks are considered legal per the United States government, as long as they're not used for piracy. If we're to support developers, I'd say Sony is wasting their time suing instead of learning from their mistakes.

I personally believe Sony will not succeed over PS3 jailbreaks, once it's done, it can't be stopped. 

Thanks, Redmond Pie 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

iPhone Wedding Cake!

When I saw it the first time, I thought it was just another cheap advertisement and not an actual cake.

Monday, January 10, 2011

iPhone and iPod Stuck at Apple Logo on 4.2.1 Jailbreak; Fix Update!

I recently posted about the common issues with iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4 and iPod 4. Apparently, many people follow the "Just boot tether mode now..." instructions from known blogs, but there are a few that had actually found a solution if their iPhone, iPod or iPad is stuck at the Apple logo, or at any other unusable state. Well, the solution is here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jailbreak y Desbloqueo de iPhone, iPod Touch y iPad. Información Para Principiantes

Para aquellos usuarios poseedores de un iPhone, iPod Touch, o iPad que sientan la curiosidad de conocer qué necesitan entender, para poder obtener aplicaciones gratis, y poder desbloquear su teléfono con otro proveedor (carrier), o que fue adquirido en el extranjero. Si es lo que buscas, este post es para ti.

Upcoming iDevel0p iPhone App Within the Next Months!

We just started working on our RSS "Pushy" application for your iPhone, iPod and iPad* from our Blog Site. Now this got serious, and we'll start working on our app today! The app will feed from the RSS server, which will pull daily postings to your iDevice.

Forums Section Added!

This is a message to all subscribers and readers, we have updated our Forums Section. Please feel free to add any information you feel might improve the site by clicking here. I hope you enjoy it!

Mac OS 10.6.6 + Mac App Store Review

After a busy weekend, I decided to take a look to the recent updates Apple released during the last week, including the new Operating System Update Mac OS 10.6.6. and the Mac App Store. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Social Network Movie (2010)

After spending time watching Zuckerberg's life movie, I figured out that the story is nothing different from what Bill Gate's history movie is. If you once watched Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999), it's a film relating the beginnings of Apple, Inc. and Microsoft.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

iPhone - Carrier Settings Update

I have seen a couple of rumors around the web concerning a message that may come while connecting your iPhone to iTunes asking you to update your Carrier Settings. First of all let me tell you, that every carrier uses different settings. This meaning, that updating can either harm your connectivity settings, or benefit them. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

iPhone 3Gs Stuck at Apple Logo after 6.15.00 Unlock w/ Ultrasn0w (Mac OS Only)

I recently posted a guide on how to fix your iPhone 3Gs if stuck at the Apple logo, Recovery or Connect to iTunes logo. This applies if it happened to you after running the 4.2.1 jailbreak, and tried to reboot your phone after running Ultrasn0w to unlock the 6.15.00 baseband.