Sunday, January 9, 2011

Upcoming iDevel0p iPhone App Within the Next Months!

We just started working on our RSS "Pushy" application for your iPhone, iPod and iPad* from our Blog Site. Now this got serious, and we'll start working on our app today! The app will feed from the RSS server, which will pull daily postings to your iDevice.

Our application will tentatively work if accessed through your iPhone, iPod or iPad browser. However, I'm planning to have this app updated to the App Store within the next months.

We also mentioned that sponsorship might be added to the site, such as advertisement, etc. We plan to continue being a Ad-Free site until further notice, in exchange, we believe it's better if you people prefers to donate instead of having tons of advertisement for now.

Nevertheless, if we believe advertisement is a good method to support our site and the upcoming features that we will add, we will be notifying everyone on our blog. We're planning something big, and we want to become part of your device, bookmarks, favorites, and technology needs.