Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Speed Your iPhone 10 Times Faster With Speed Intensifier! (Video)

The first thing I noticed about Mac while learning about developing in Objective C (computer language), is that algorithms and coding can be way shorter and benefit performance. Speed Intensifier is an application that reduces the animation rate while opening applications. This certainly improves your iPhone performance, without reducing battery life, or any other process.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

NERV Repo Out of Push Doctor Certs

If you are trying to install Push Doctor, you won't be able to obtain any result, as you may get errors such as "sub-process usr bin dpkg returned an error code (1)". This is apparently caused due to the remaining certificates in the repository site. Hopefully, you don't need it by now, but in the event of an OS Reinstall, please take this in consideration until they post any update.